Built Environment
Human factors integration is an important part of the design of the built environment. We provide support to architectural and engineering firms in the design of new buildings and public spaces, to ensure that they suit the needs of a range of users and populations.
Case Study
Human Factors Integration for Design of a new Airport
SystemiQ provided human-centred design support to the architectural design phase of a new international airport. This included identification of users, typical use scenarios, the context of use, and task analyses for a range of airport user populations, including customers, staff, and a range of airport visitors or service providers. Some key areas of focus included:
- identifying a range of use scenarios and customer ‘journeys’ to support recommendations for effective wayfinding and signage;
- understanding user needs to support the effective layout of key functional areas of the building;
- ensuring the suitability of the physical environment for those working within the airport, for example, the design of workspace layouts, dimensions of the physical environment, design of surfaces, accessibility of equipment for maintenance, etc; and
- managing the risks of anti-social behaviour through the design of the physical environment.

Contact us to discuss your project’s human factors integration needs