HF in Safety Management Systems

Effective and Usable Procedures:

How do you design procedures that people want to follow?  It’s all about finding out the needs, capabilities and behaviours of the people who will use the procedures, and properly understanding the context in which they use them. 

By analysing tasks and context from the user’s perspective, procedures can be adapted to support users to do the right thing and make the right decisions. This ultimately leads to improved compliance, productivity and safety ✅

SystemiQ’s approach involves understanding the users, their tasks, and the context in which they apply the procedures, then applying robust usability principles, to develop user-centred procedures. 

Contact SystemiQ to discuss how we can help you to develop procedures that are designed to be easy and intuitive to apply.  

Research and Evaluation services

Contact SystemiQ to discuss how we can support your safety management system and safety programs to achieve safe and effective operational outcomes.

Safety Management Systems

Incident Investigations

Safety Culture & Just Culture

Effective  and Usable Procedures

Psychosocial Risk Management

Change Management

Job and Task Design

Get In Touch


Sydney, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast

+61 (07) 3303 0349